Why Reading Is Important

Kali ini saya ingin membagikan tulisan saya yang semula untuk merampungkan tugas Bahasa Inggris membuat free speech, dalam hal ini tipe exposition text. Hehe kalo ada tugas aja baru mau nulis ya:( Agak susah ternyata buat nulis kalau enggak kepepet. Nah saya memilih topik "Why Reading Is Important?" karena saya sendiri percaya betapa banyaknya kegunaan membaca. Membaca benar-benar mengubah seseorang, yang semula tidak mengerti menjadi mengerti, tidak berilmu menjadi berilmu, bodoh jadi pintar, dan lain-lainnya. Membaca adalah salah satu jalan termudah untuk seseorang memperluas wawasannya, makanya Tuhan dulu menyampaikan wahyu pertama kepada nabi utusannya dengan memerintahkan "Iqro'! Bacalah!" di surat Al-Alaq dan ternyata memang bukan main maknanya. Tuhan menyuruh kita membaca karena itu adalah gerbangnya ilmu. Tuhan mau kita belajar dan berilmu dengan cara membaca. Dan emang terbukti kan banyak orang-orang pintar itu bisa gitu karena banyaknya pengetahuan yang mereka dapat dengan buku yang mereka baca. Saya pribadi ngerasain kalo banyak baca, mungkin manfaat yang paling cepet dan kentara adalaah bikin lebih memudahkan ngomong supaya omongannya jadi lebih berisi gitu. Lho malah pidato disini jadinya. Cus disambi ngemil, semoga bermanfaat dan bisa dijadikan referensi untuk membuat speech.

Have you ever feel it is better to watch television than reading books? Well you can reconsider that because reading has more benefits to you. Reading is one of the easiest way to broaden your knowledge. Reading can make you more open minded, enriches your language and vocabulary, reduces stress more effectively than hearing music, drink a cup of tea, or even taking a walk.

Reading makes you smarter because reading will exercise your brain rather than television. The brain gets a much better workout when reading than watching does. When you watch television your brain is passive. Otherwise when you are reading a book your brain will likely imagining things from the book which helps the brain grow and improve itself.

Reading can determine the quality of people. People who read books are more intelligent than the people who don’t. Because people who read will get knowledge from book writers that has information based on trusted sources. People will learn from what others have already tested simply by reading books. So, reading makes easier for people to broaden their knowledge.

 Imagine if a country is full of people who has high interest in reading. The country would have remarkable human resources that helps develop a better and advanced country. That is the power of reading. Reading may be simple, but it gives a big difference for individuals to improve themselves.

Reading is never a waste of time. Try making reading a habit from now on! If you find it hard, start by reading simple, short articles you find interesting in your timeline or magazines. Try novels with an appealing story that you would like, or even comic books that are often considered not as knowledgeable. Because the important thing is to get used to reading first so that you can develop feelings of reading a book. After you feel attached to books already, you can move on your reads to a slightly higher level such as articles on newspapers, text books, or even scientific papers to read.

Now you know why reading is important, so what are you waiting for? It gives us plenty of benefits more than you can imagine, so grab a book now and see how it can change your life.

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